Saturday, July 30, 2011

So, That Happened.

My wife, daughter, and I just had our best family vacation EVER! We went to Puerto Rico for the first, and surely not the last, time. A huge chunk of what made it great was our friend Araina, and her family that live there.

 She took our daughter for a night so that we could go to Old San Juan as a married know, and do naughty things.

                                         Oh, and I got arrested at JFK for weapons possession and went to jail, missed my flight, and have to appear before a Judge in 2 weeks.

                                                                                                    But then, you'd guessed that already.

              To Be Continued: Because it REALLY HAPPENED, and I'm gonna' milk the experience for all it's worth.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Atheism 101

Sherwood Schwarz, the creator of "The Brady Bunch", and  "Gilligans Island", has died at the age of 94!!!

He lived longer than Vincent Van Gogh, Stevie Ray Vaughn, and Bill Hicks.

Yeah, I gotta' go back to The Man.  " If there is a god, he is a malign thug."

Seriously, that's just wrong.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Delusion Of The Day

Recently, looking in a mirror, I realized I could have been an action star.

Then I took a second look, and realized I'd be the partner that gets killed in the first 10 minutes.

It is a CHILLING recognition.

Y'know? Like when your pubes go gray.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I Rarely Bite

For the few of you that actually read my psychotic screeds, I want to let you know.

I will NOT flame you if you comment.

Just wanted to get that out there.