Thursday, July 1, 2010

Don't Pay The Ransom. I Escaped!

So...Ernest Hemingway said "Write drunk, edit sober". What he neglected to mention was how drunk to get. Apparently the answer is "Not so much that you can't use a keyboard for weeks on end".
Live and learn (at least until full systemic renal failure).
In any case, I'm back faithful reader/dangerous drifter/soccer mom. Wow, I really do have an odd mix of friends. I'm looking at yoooouuuu soccer mom. Seriously, what ARE you doing hanging around with me? You're messin' with my rep.
So in closing, I'd like to quote one of my favorite movies of this, the first decade of the 21st century, and simply ask, "Do fish dream?".


  1. OK I give up, what's the movie?

    Also do I get a prize? I think I have now wasted more of my time than others, I mean I have read and commented on your blog.

  2. It's from BAD LIEUTENANT: PORT OF CALL NEW ORLEANS. Starring the king of Mega-acting, Nic Cage. Thanks for playing. Tip your waitress. Drive fast, take chances.
